Internal Quality

When assessing internal code quality, it’s helpful to understand both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Quantitative criteria include metrics that can be measured numerically, like cyclomatic complexity or test coverage. These metrics are often obtained through automated tools and help give objective insights into the structure and maintainability of the code. Qualitative criteria, on the other hand, focus on subjective aspects of code quality, such as readability, modularity, and adherence to coding standards. These are best assessed through code reviews and developer judgment, focusing on how intuitive and well-organised the code appears to be for others on the team. Combining quantitative and qualitative assessments provides a well-rounded view of internal code quality.

Cyclomatic complexity

Cyclomatic complexity is a quantitative software metric based on the number of independent paths through the code, where a higher score indicates more complexity. High complexity makes code harder to understand, test, and maintain. Tools like SonarQube or CodeClimate can measure this automatically, flagging functions with excessive complexity for refactoring to improve simplicity and readability.

Cyclomatic complexity was defined by Thomas J. McCabe in 1976, and calculates the number of independent paths using the formula

\[M = E - N + 2P\]


  • E = the number of edges in the control flow graph
  • N = the number of nodes
  • P = the number of connected components (typically 1 for a single program)

There is no specific value of cyclomatic complexity that can be used as an upper limit in all cases. However, NIST235 suggests that a limit of 10 is a good starting point:

The precise number to use as a limit, however, remains somewhat controversial. The original limit of 10 as proposed by McCabe has significant supporting evidence, but limits as high as 15 have been used successfully as well. Limits over 10 should be reserved for projects that have several operational advantages over typical projects, for example experienced staff, formal design, a modern programming language, structured programming, code walkthroughs, and a comprehensive test plan. In other words, an organisation can pick a complexity limit greater than 10, but only if it is sure it knows what it is doing and is willing to devote the additional testing effort required by more complex modules.


Cognitive complexity

While cyclomatic complexity accurately calculates the minimum number of test cases required for full test coverage, it is not necessarily a good indicator of understandability. Methods with equal cyclomatic complexity scores are not necessarily equally difficult to maintain and it therefore over-values some structures and under-values others. Because it was designed for use on Fortran programs in 1976, cyclomatic complexity does not take account of more recent language structures such as try/catch and lambdas.

In response to the limitations of cyclomatic complexity, the new metric of cognitive complexity was formulated as a way of calculating complexity scores that more accurately reflect methods’ relative understandability. It attempts to reflect perceived complexity rather than representing it purely as a mathematical derivation. The details of how it works are presented in a SonarQube white paper which offers the following simple example that illustrates the difference between cyclomatic and cognitive complexity scores.

// Cyclomatic complexity = 4
// Cognitive complexity = 7

int sumOfPrimes(int max) {
  int total = 0;
  OUT: for (int i = 1; i <= max; ++i) {
    for (int j = 2; j < i; ++j) {
      if (i % j == 0) {
        continue OUT;
    total += i;
  return total;
// Cyclomatic complexity = 4
// Cognitive complexity = 1

String getWords(int number) {
  switch (number) {
    case 1:
      return "one";
    case 2:
      return "a couple";
    case 3:
      return "a few";
      return "lots";

The code blocks above show two methods, A and B, with their cyclomatic and cognitive complexity scores. While the cyclomatic complexity scores are the same, cognitive complexity is intuitively the better measure in this simple case.

Maintainability Index

The maintainability index is a composite quantitative metric derived from factors like code complexity, lines of code, and comments. It provides an overall indication of maintainability on a scale, usually from 0 to 100. Tools like Visual Studio’s code analysis or CodeClimate generate maintainability scores, helping teams monitor and improve the codebase’s long-term health.

The standard formula for calculating the Maintainability Index is:

\[MI = 171 − 5.2 × ln(HV) − 0.23 × CC − 16.2 × ln(LOC)\]


  • HV = Halstead Volume, a measure of code complexity based on operators and operands.
  • CC = Cyclomatic Complexity, a metric for the number of linearly independent paths through the code.
  • LOC = Lines of Code, the count of lines in the codebase, which reflects code size and readability.

The MI score is typically normalised to a range of 0 to 100, where higher values (around 85–100) indicate better maintainability and lower values (below 50) suggest that the code is harder to maintain and may benefit from refactoring. In some tools, the formula also includes a factor for code comments, which can slightly improve the MI if the code is well-documented.

Test Coverage

Also a quantitative metric, test coverage measures the percentage of code covered by automated tests. High test coverage means that a larger portion of code is verified to work as intended, reducing the likelihood of bugs. Tools like JaCoCo (Java), Istanbul (JavaScript), and Coverlet (.NET) generate test coverage reports. While high coverage doesn’t guarantee quality, it provides confidence when paired with meaningful tests for different scenarios.

While test coverage is commonly used as a code quality metric, relying on it as a primary indicator has several limitations. Although high test coverage indicates that many lines of code are executed during tests, this doesn’t guarantee that the tests are effective or that the code quality is high. Here are some key critiques of using test coverage as a code quality metric:

  1. Coverage Doesn’t Equal Quality High test coverage only shows that the code has been executed during tests, not that it has been thoroughly tested for correctness, edge cases, or performance issues. Poorly designed tests may achieve high coverage without actually verifying that the code behaves as expected. This can lead to a false sense of security, where teams assume high-quality code based solely on coverage percentage.

  2. Encourages Focus on Quantity Over Quality

    When teams focus too heavily on coverage goals, they may prioritise hitting coverage targets rather than writing meaningful, high-quality tests. Developers may write superficial or redundant tests just to increase coverage metrics, without thoroughly examining edge cases, error handling, or unusual inputs. This can lead to inflated coverage without genuine code quality improvement.

  3. Ignores Logic and Branch Complexity

    Basic test coverage metrics like line or statement coverage don’t account for more complex control flows or conditional logic. For example, testing a single execution path in a complex if-else block may achieve line coverage but not verify all possible branches. More advanced metrics, like branch or path coverage, partially address this but still don’t fully ensure code robustness.

  4. Overlooks Code Readability and Maintainability

    Test coverage provides no insight into internal code quality attributes like readability, modularity, or maintainability. Code could be well-covered yet still difficult to understand, heavily coupled, or challenging to extend. In such cases, high coverage might mask technical debt or poor design choices, making it harder to identify code that may need refactoring.

  5. Doesn’t Address Test Quality or Accuracy

    Test coverage metrics don’t account for the accuracy or relevance of the tests themselves. High coverage may result from tests that pass but don’t check for correct outputs or fail to catch potential issues. For instance, a test that only verifies that a method executes without exceptions could pass without ensuring that the output meets specifications.

  6. Can Encourage Poor Testing Practices

    Focusing on coverage targets can encourage poor practices like testing implementation details rather than behaviour. Tests that are tightly coupled to internal implementation details can be fragile, requiring updates with every minor code change, even if functionality hasn’t changed. This can make testing cumbersome and reduce the productivity of developers.

  7. May Not Reflect Business-Critical Coverage

    Coverage metrics treat all lines of code equally, without distinguishing between high-importance, business-critical code and auxiliary code. For example, testing a utility function thoroughly may be less valuable than testing key business logic. Coverage metrics alone don’t capture the criticality of different parts of the codebase, potentially misrepresenting overall code quality.

  8. Neglects Non-Code Quality Aspects

    Test coverage doesn’t account for other aspects of code quality, such as security, scalability, or performance. High coverage may still leave vulnerabilities untested or areas of code that perform poorly under load unaddressed. Focusing solely on coverage risks neglecting these essential quality attributes.

To get the most from test coverage as a metric, it’s important to combine it with other quality indicators, such as cyclomatic complexity, code reviews, code maintainability, and functional testing metrics. Aiming for meaningful coverage that addresses critical paths, edge cases, and core functionality is more beneficial than striving for a high percentage alone. Additionally, teams can emphasise branch and path coverage over simple line coverage for areas of complex logic, helping to ensure thorough testing.

Depth of Inheritance

Depth of Inheritance (DOI) is a quantitative code quality metric used in object-oriented programming to measure the depth of the inheritance hierarchy for a class within a codebase. This metric calculates how many layers or levels of inheritance exist from a given class back to the root (or base) class. For example, if a class inherits from a superclass, which in turn inherits from another superclass, the DOI would be 3 for the bottom-level class. In languages that support single inheritance, this is simply the chain of classes from the subclass to the highest ancestor. In languages that support multiple inheritance, DOI is typically calculated as the longest path back to any root class.

A higher DOI indicates a deeper inheritance hierarchy, which can make it harder for developers to understand how a class functions. When multiple layers of inheritance exist, it’s more challenging to trace behaviour back to the root class, particularly if methods or properties are overridden at various levels. Lower DOI values tend to make code easier to understand and modify.

Deep inheritance structures can make code more brittle and tightly coupled. The code can become inflexible and difficult to maintain since there is a higher cognitive load for the developer. There is no strict threshold for “good” or “bad” DOI, but generally, a DOI between 1 and 4 is considered manageable in most systems. Shallow hierarchies (DOI ≤ 2) are often preferred, as they strike a balance between code reuse and simplicity.

Many design guidelines recommend composition over inheritance, especially in cases where a deep inheritance hierarchy would be required. Using composition, where objects contain instances of other classes instead of inheriting from them, can reduce DOI and improve flexibility, allowing behaviour to be easily modified or extended without changing a class’s inheritance chain.

While DOI is a useful indicator of inheritance complexity, it should be evaluated alongside other metrics, such as Cyclomatic Complexity. High DOI alone doesn’t necessarily mean poor design, particularly if the hierarchy is logical and well-documented. Additionally, some patterns, like the Template Method or Factory Method, naturally involve deeper hierarchies and may still produce high-quality, maintainable code.

Class Coupling

Class coupling is a quantitative metric that measures the degree of dependency between classes within a codebase. High coupling occurs when a class is heavily dependent on other classes to perform its functions, whereas low coupling indicates that a class operates more independently. In general, lower coupling is preferred because it improves maintainability, testability, and reusability, making it easier to modify code without impacting multiple parts of a system.

Class coupling is typically measured by counting the number of distinct classes that a class interacts with. This includes classes referenced through method calls, inheritance, composition, associations, and field declarations. A higher count indicates higher coupling, while a lower count suggests that a class is more self-contained.

Lower class coupling improves code maintainability because changes in one class are less likely to affect others. When classes have fewer dependencies, modifications or bug fixes in one class are isolated and won’t trigger cascading changes. High coupling, on the other hand, creates dependencies that can complicate updates, requiring developers to understand multiple interconnected classes before making changes.

Highly coupled classes are harder to test independently because they rely on other classes for their functionality. This often necessitates setting up additional dependencies during testing, making unit tests more complex and fragile. Low coupling makes it easier to isolate classes, enabling more straightforward and reliable unit testing.

Classes with low coupling are typically easier to reuse in other parts of an application or in other projects because they’re less dependent on specific classes. High coupling reduces reusability since each reused class may require importing all its dependencies, which might not be relevant or useful in different contexts.

When classes have fewer dependencies, the system becomes more flexible. It’s easier to replace one component with another, extend functionalities, or add new features without affecting a large portion of the codebase. High coupling, however, makes extensibility challenging, as modifications can lead to widespread changes and potential errors.

Consider the following example in C#:

public class OrderService
    private readonly PaymentService _paymentService;
    private readonly ShippingService _shippingService;

    public OrderService(PaymentService paymentService, ShippingService shippingService)
        _paymentService = paymentService;
        _shippingService = shippingService;

    public void ProcessOrder(Order order)

In this example, OrderService is coupled to PaymentService and ShippingService. If there are changes in either PaymentService or ShippingService, there may be a need to modify OrderService as well. This type of tight coupling can be avoided by using dependency injection and interface abstraction.

While class coupling is a valuable indicator of how interdependent classes are, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics to get a complete picture of code quality. A low coupling score alone doesn’t guarantee good design; some classes naturally require more dependencies due to their role in the system, and a certain level of coupling is often necessary in complex applications.

Lines of Code

Lines of Code (LOC) and Lines of Executable Code (LEC) are internal code quality metrics that measure the size of a codebase by counting the number of lines in a program. LOC counts all lines, including comments, blank lines, and non-executable statements, while LEC specifically measures lines that can be executed, excluding comments and formatting.

As a metric, LOC provides a basic understanding of a project’s scale and can indicate potential maintenance needs — larger codebases often require more effort to manage. However, LOC lacks nuance and can be misleading: a high LOC count doesn’t necessarily mean high functionality, nor does a low count ensure simplicity. LOC also doesn’t account for code quality; for instance, well-designed, modular code may have fewer lines than complex or redundant code that accomplishes the same task.

LEC offers a slightly refined view by focusing on actual logic in the code, potentially providing more insight into the code’s functional complexity. LEC can be helpful for understanding testing needs, as it reflects the count of lines that must be covered by tests. However, LEC still has limitations — it doesn’t reveal code complexity, readability, or maintainability and can incentivise developers to write less code without regard to clarity or best practices.

Overall, while LOC and LEC can provide high-level indicators of project scope, they should be used in conjunction with more comprehensive metrics, such as cyclomatic complexity or maintainability index, to accurately assess code quality. Relying solely on LOC or LEC may lead to inaccurate conclusions about the quality and manageability of a codebase. For example, LOC includes blank lines and comments and is therefore highly dependent on coding style and standards. LEC on the other hand is just an indication of the size of the application. It could be argued that applying the Clean Code approach of maximum extraction would tend to increase the overall number of executable lines of code but would at the same time improve maintainability and reduce cyclomatic complexity. In this instance it is worth bearing in mind this quote attributed to Bill Gates:

Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like
measuring aircraft building progress by weight.

Qualitative metrics

While quantitative metrics can be calculated through static code analysis, quantitative metrics require human judgement. They are best evaluated through code reviews and should be treated as part of the culture of the development team. Automated linters and formatting tools, like Prettier (JavaScript) or Black (Python), can be configured to enforce consistent styling, which helps with some criteria such as readability. If you are working with the same language on a regular basis, you will gradually become aware of the recognised best practices in that context. They are occasionally documented as is the case for C# and they are often referred to in technical forums such as Stack Overflow. This illustrates the dynamic nature of code conventions: an authority such as Microsoft may set out their expectations and update them over time as the language itself develops, and in parallel with that, a further set of preferences will evolve among the user community.

Some examples of qualitative metrics are summarised in the following table.

Criterion Description
Readability A measure of how easily other developers can understand the code’s purpose and functionality. Code should use descriptive variable, function, and class names, consistent formatting, and concise inline comments where necessary.
Modularity Measures how well code is divided into discrete, reusable components such as classes, functions, or modules. Modular code is easier to test, maintain, and extend. This can be assessed by reviewing the structure of the code, checking for components that adhere to principles like the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Static analysis tools can also analyse dependencies to highlight areas for potential refactoring to improve modularity.
Adherence to Coding Standards Coding standards ensure consistency in style, naming conventions, and organisation. Following standards makes code more predictable and easier for others to navigate. Adherence to standards can be assessed by using linters (e.g., ESLint for JavaScript, Checkstyle for Java) that automatically flag deviations, while code reviews ensure standards are understood and consistently applied.
Code Documentation Well-documented code makes it easier for others to understand the purpose and context of each component. Documentation completeness can be assessed by checking that public methods, classes, and modules have clear descriptions. Documentation tools like Javadoc (Java) or Doxygen (C++) enforce consistency by generating documentation directly from comments.
Error Handling and Resilience Code should anticipate and handle potential issues gracefully, ensuring that exceptions are managed effectively and the system fails safely. Error handling can be assessed by reviewing the code to confirm that critical operations include appropriate error management. Static analysis and code reviews help ensure that the code is robust and resilient to unexpected inputs or conditions.

Dependency Management is a metric that can be considered both quantitative an qualitative. Minimising dependencies between unrelated modules or components reduces code coupling, making the code easier to modify or extend. Excessive dependencies are usually flagged by dependency analysis tools (like SonarQube or npm’s depcheck), which identify unused or redundant dependencies. Reviewing dependencies manually is also important for checking that dependencies are kept to the essentials, reducing complexity.

Product Quality Evaluation Method

The Product Quality Evaluation Method (PQEM) (Falco & Robolio, 2020) is a systematic framework based on ISO/IEC 25010. It breaks the task of assessing the quality of a software product into five steps as illustrated in Fig. 1. The approach examins various attributes relevant to a system’s performance, reliability, usability, maintainability, and other quality criteria using the goal-question-metric (GQM) approach (Basili, Caldiera & Rombach, 1994). The result is a single value between 0 and 1 that represents the overall product quality synthesised from measurements of selected quality attribute requirements (QARs).

flowchart LR
    classDef invisible stroke:none,fill:none
    classDef mainStep fill:#dae8fa,stroke:#e6e1e8,font-size:18px
    classDef subStep fill:#e4fada,stroke:#e6e1e8,font-size:18px

    subgraph id2["&nbsp;2. Elicitation of Quality<br/>Attributes Requirements (QARs)"]
        subgraph spacer [ ]
            direction TB
            id2a --> id2b
            id2b --> id2c
            id2c --> id2d

    id1(["&nbsp;1. Product<br/>setup"])
    id2a(["a. Select quality characteristics<br/>and sub-characteristics"])
    id2b(["b. Specify quality attributes<br/>requirements"])
    id2c(["c. Define metrics of each<br/>quality attribute requirement"])
    id2d(["d. Define the<br/>acceptance criteria for the<br/>expected quality level"])
    id3(["&nbsp;3. Measure and test<br/>each quality attribute<br/>requirement"])
    id4(["&nbsp;4. Collect and<br/>synthesise<br/>results"])
    id5(["&nbsp;5. Assessment of<br/>the product<br/>quality level"])

    id1 --> id2
    id2 --> id3
    id3 --> id4
    id4 --> id5

    class spacer invisible
    class id1 mainStep
    class id2 mainStep
    class id3 mainStep
    class id4 mainStep
    class id5 mainStep
    class id2a subStep
    class id2b subStep
    class id2c subStep
    class id2d subStep

Fig. 1: PQEM process

PQEM is not widely standardised or universally adopted across the software industry at the moment. While PQEM principles — evaluating software quality based on defined quality attributes — are integral to various software quality assessment frameworks, PQEM itself does not have the same recognition or formalised use as other models like ISO/IEC 25010 (the international standard for software product quality) or Six Sigma in quality management.

In practice, many organisations adopt custom quality evaluation frameworks inspired by PQEM’s approach, tailored to fit their specific needs, industry standards, or project goals. These customised approaches often draw from broader industry models, incorporating best practices for measuring maintainability, performance, usability, and security, which are central to PQEM. Larger organisations with complex software projects may adopt structured evaluation methods similar to PQEM, though they are more likely to use ISO standards or popular methodologies like Agile quality metrics, which offer more widespread tool support and community best practices.

Tips for applying internal quality criteria

Further reading