General Tips for Applying Software Engineering Principles

  • Learn the principles

    You can’t apply the rules if you don’t know what they are

  • Refactor Often

    Make refactoring part of your regular development process to simplify code and remove duplication.

  • Use Code Reviews

    Encourage regular code reviews with your team to ensure adherence to these principles and to spot areas of improvement.

  • Balance Principles

    Don’t apply principles in isolation — strike a balance. For example, keep things simple (KISS), but also ensure that your design adheres to SOLID when necessary.

  • Stay Pragmatic

    Remember that these principles are guidelines, not hard rules. Apply them where they provide the most benefit and avoid over-engineering solutions in the name of adhering to principles.

  • Automate Where Possible

    Use static analysis tools, linters, and refactoring tools to help identify code smells and violations of these principles, improving overall code quality.