This lab is design to introduce you to: Object Orientation(OO) in C++, Working with C++ header files, and a small amount of memory and resource management.

Adding another project

In this lab, we will be adding a ‘project’ to our already existing ‘Games Engineering solution’.

Note: this is the terminology of Visual Studio. In CMake terms we are adding another ‘Executable’ to the ‘project’. Yeah, tech is fun!

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Create a new folder inside your repo.

  • Within that, create a main.cpp, feel free to copy some boilerplate SFML code into it. (This is why I suggested you keep the green circle example somewhere)

  • Add the following to the bottom of your CMakeLists.txt file (Make sure that you use the right folder names in here!)
    ## Space invaders
    file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES 2_invaders/*.cpp 2_invaders/*.h)
    add_executable(2_INVADERS ${SOURCES} )
    target_include_directories(2_INVADERS SYSTEM PRIVATE ${SFML_INCS})
    target_link_libraries(2_INVADERS sfml-graphics)
  • Configure and generate from CMake.

Helpful hint: on Re-configuring CMake

Whenever we alter the CMake script, or add / remove source files from the source repo, we must configure and generate from CMake again. There is a short-cut do doing this. In your open solution in visual studio, CMake builds a helper project called "ZERO_CHECK". Building this project runs a script to configure and regenerate in the background. So we can edit and rebuild the CMakelists.txt without leaving Visual studio.

A note on creating additional files

As you know, we have all our source code in the source ‘repo’ folder, and all the project and build files in the ephemeral ‘build’ directory that CMake generates for us. CMake links the source files directly in the project files. When you edit a .cpp file in Visual Studio, it is editing the real file in the repo directory, even though all of visual studios files are in the ‘build’ directory.

One annoying caveat of this is that if you try to create a new file from visual studio, it incorrectly puts it in the build directory. You can manually type in the correct directory in the create file dialogue, or create the files manually and re-run CMake. Note: you will have to re-run CMake anyway when adding or removing files in the source directory.

Don’t continue until you have gotten a second project working in Visual Studio and showing a green circle - remember you will have to change the startup project!

Runtime Resources

We will be loading a bunch of files from disk, you need to make sure the resources are in the right place. Take a look here Runtime Resources tips and tricks

Don’t skip this section, it’s important

Lib, linking, and cmake.

If you are getting into a mess with you CMake, have a look here CMake tips


Before we get stuck in, you should have already have a standard boiler plate gameloop written to open a window and poll for events. You can use some of what you wrote for your Pong game!

A common technique for 2D art assets in games is to combine what would be many separate images into one "sprite sheet". This saves time when loading in files, and a small amount of graphics memory. Images are places into tiles within a larger image, sprites are rendered by taking a ‘cut out’ of the larger image. In terms of optimisation this makes life very easy for the GPU – as it doesn’t have to switch texture units.

The primary benefit of sprite sheets however is sprite-animation. It is commonplace to have each tile in the sheet be the same square size. With this restriction in place, picking the dimensions to ‘cut’ are a simple multiplication operation. Rendering a sequence of frames as an animation is as simple as moving the ‘cut’ windows to the right each frame.

image image

Animation Frames : Sonic will be rendered using different frames from the sprite-sheet each frame, looping to the start once all frame have been rendered. Creating the illusion of fluid movement


Our Space Invaders Sprite-sheet : It’s actually a transparent image - grey background just for clarity.

Save This image to your repo’s res folder

(Yeah, I know there are some issues with using the Space Invaders designs. We’re using them as they are simple - don’t do this in your coursework submission!)


Minecraft’s Textures : Having all the textures in one image allows for easy mod-ability. The multiple squares of water and lava are animation frames.


UV Maps : Sprite sheets are not UV maps - Although visually similar - don’t confuse sprite-sheets for unwrapped UV textures. These are used to apply a texture to a 3d model. Sprite-sheets are for 2d sprites

Loading a sprite-sheet

Working with Sprite-sheets in SFML couldn’t be easier. Take a look at this:

sf::Texture spritesheet;
sf::Sprite invader;

void Load() {
  if (!spritesheet.loadFromFile("res/img/invaders_sheet.png")) {
    cerr << "Failed to load spritesheet!" << std::endl;
  invader.setTextureRect(IntRect(Vector2i(0, 0), Vector2i(32, 32)));

void Render() {

At this stage, you might find your code doesn’t run because of the cerr call. That’s normal, and it is to do with the fact that the cerr is not part of core C++, it’s a helper object from the standard (std) library. To explain it fully would be out of the scope of this lab, so you can think of it as being the equivalent of the System.out.println or Debug.Log functions you might be more used to - it allows us to print to the console. As such, it is IO functionality, and so we need to include the correct library for this to work. I’ll leave you to find out which one you need!

Take note of this line:

sprite.setTextureRect(IntRect(Vector2i(0, 0), Vector2i(32, 32)));

The rectangle structure takes the form of (Left, Top, Width, Height). Our sprite-sheet is dived into squares of 32x32 pixels. So this line of code set the ‘cut’ do be the top left square in the image, aka. The first invader sprite. Remember, you should be looking up the SFML API to find out things like this yourself going forwards

Note that the invader doesn’t take up the whole 32x32 square, it’s surrounded by transparent pixels. SFML takes care of doing the rendering with correct modes so as to cuts out the background, but we may have to be careful when it comes to physics and collision code.


You should have a separate project setup and working, and showing this:


Don’t continue on until you have this working

Oh… it’s not working? I’m just getting a white square…

If this happens, it’s most likely that you are failing to load the sprite sheet image properly. Check the other window that opens when you run an application. Is there an error in there? Does it say something like ‘Failed to load image’? If so, there are four things to check:

  1. You did actually download the image, right?
  2. You did point your code to the correct name/location of the file, didn’t you?
  3. You have updated your CMake code to ensure that your new project’s resources are copied correctly, yeah?
  4. It’s most likely point 3 that you forgot (speaking from experience), so check again!

For point 3, remember to go and read Runtime Resources tips and tricks again. The process should be easier once that is done, compared to the manual process you did with fonts in the Pong example! Remember, you don’t need to replicate the following part:


That is like a method (kinda) in CMake. You DO, however, have to call that method and set the working directory for each project (set_target_properties() and add_dependencies()). Make sure you remember to rename the PRACTICAL_1 parts in the new CMake lines to the right name

You can (and should) have all your projects defined in a single CMakesList file!

If you’ve set up everything correctly, you should be able to run the .exe in your build folder directly, without copying files yourself!

Previous step: Pong 3

Next step: Space Invaders 2
