Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. Tracy Fullerton.
Game design elements of the module come from here.
This book will make you look differently at games. (See Reading list)
C++ Primer. Lippman, Lajoie, and Moo.
If your C++ needs some work this is a reasonable book to pick-up.
Covers most aspects of C++ that you will require. (See Reading list)
Artificial Intelligence for Games. Millington and Funge.
Very good book covering the algorithms and techniques used within game AI.
Lots more in here than we cover in the module. (See Reading list)
Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers. Wendy Stahler.
A basic book really, but if your maths is not great this should give you enough to solve common problems.
Anyone with a reasonable grasp of "games" maths should instead look towards... (See Reading list)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics. Eric Lengyel.
Has a number of good bits of information and techniques. Easy enough to translate 3D to 2D.
If you want to get better at "games" mathematics I recommend this book. (Don't currently have a digital copy)